Mid-Atlantic Chinese Shar-Pei Rescue Operation, Inc.

Application for Membership

Non-Profit, Tax Deductible

Name:      ___________________________________________  Age (optional):  _______________

Address:  ______________________________________________________________________

City:         ____________________________  State:  _____________   Zip:  _______________

Home Phone:  ________________________  Work Phone:  ____________________________

Please tell us about your Shar-Pei members of your household:

Pet Name:  _____________________________  Age:  _____  Sex:  _____  Birthday:  __________

Pet Name:  _____________________________  Age:  _____  Sex:  _____  Birthday:  __________

Pet Name:  _____________________________  Age:  _____  Sex:  _____  Birthday:  __________

Pet Name:  _____________________________  Age:  _____  Sex:  _____  Birthday:  __________

Are you interested in helping with the rescue operation? Yes _____  No _____

    ___ Fostering    ____ Surrogate Parent   ____ Phone Calls/Clerical    ___ Transporation

    ___ Funds Collections  ___ Events Coordinator  ____ Newsletter  ___ Other

The following is the suggested membership contribution:

Individual  $15.00 per year      Couple  $25.00 per year      Junior (12 - 18 years old)  $15.00 per year
Contribution enclosed:                                       $____________
Additional donations to the rescue operation:  $____________


Thank you for your support.

Signature:  _______________________________________  Date:  ______________________

Signature:  _______________________________________  Date:  ______________________

Make checks payable to:  MACSPRO 
P.O. Box 34034 
Bethesda, MD  20827