Add your Loved One to our "In Loving Memory" Memorial Page.
For anyone who has ever lost one of their best friends, you know how devastating it is. Hopefully they have left behind years of memories for you to remember forever. Often times, their lives here with us are far too short, but it is amazing how much of an impact they still have on us. Losing one of our fur balls is like losing a family member. They stuck by us through the good times and the bad times, knew all of our flaws, yet never passed judgment on us. They simply wanted to be loved, played with, and treated like a member of the family. We would like to offer you a place where you can visit your loved one whenever you would like.
For a donation of $20.00 or more, we will add your beloved pet to our Memorial page. The Rainbow Bridge and Memorial pages are dedicated to our friends who have passed on to the Rainbow Bridge and to the Rescuers who devote so much of their time to helping them enjoy life with us. Your donation will help us to continue this much needed work. We don't want a single animal going to The Bridge alone.
Please send us your pet's name, a picture, a brief dedication, and how you would like your name signed. We will maintain your piece of Rainbow Bridge for a period of at least one year. If space permits, we will continue to host your dedication.
Please email a .jpg picture along with the above information to Please note in your email the details of your online donation.
You can make a donation online by clicking on the paypal logo:
You may also send it via snail mail to:
Attention: Memorial
P.O. Box 34034
Bethesda, MD 20827
Please note that it will take longer for us to add your pet to the Memorial page if the picture is sent via snail mail.
Please remember that all donations are tax-deductible as we are a non-profit organization. All proceeds go to MACSPRO so we can continue to rescue these wonderful peibies and find them loving homes.
To Friends and Family:
On Saturday, March 8, 2014, "Skye", due to extreme renal failure, was taken across the Rainbow Bridge. She was a beloved member of our family who brought love and happiness to this house daily. She will be dearly missed.
For Ming
Thinking back on our last days together, and the four months of love we gave amongst one another. You helped fill the hole in my heart from my Sadie who you resemble. I gave a senior girl a warm bed, after being surrendered at fourteen. We we're a pair, and I will never forget all of the love we shared. Daddy called you Chicken-Wing...trying not to cry. xoxo Mommy
For my dearest Mao -
We found him on the MACSPRO website. I actually had my eye on another available dog, but his foster family (the wonderful Pam and Curtis Robbins) said Mao really needed a home, and was such a handsome, good fellow. So we went to visit him and I fell victim pretty quickly. He gave me a confused look/head tilt combo from across the room, and that was it.
He was found on the beach in Puerto Rico, an obvious stray. Kids treated him really poorly, throwing things at him and goodness knows what else. He was so nervous, and it took him a while to relax and let his guard down. When his personality started to come out, he would prance around the kitchen while I was cooking, throwing himself about in hopes of a treat (which he would always get). Such a calm, sweet boy who just wanted to be in the room with you, LOVED to go on walks, and rides in the car. The dog beach was his favorite, and it was such a pleasure to see him running around, carefully avoiding the water. He took a particular liking to bulldogs for some reason, and would get a little too friendly with them when given the chance. It was so embarrassing!
He was my constant companion for 8 1/2 wonderful years, through thick and thin, and I know he came into my life by no accident. He passed on from an aggressive cancer, and I miss him terribly. He will never be replaced, and though I'm not quite ready to get another dog, he endeared me to the shar pei breed forever. I am so thankful and honored that we had that time together, he truly was a gift. I love you so much Mao, and think about you every day, with tears but also laughter. Thank you my sweet , sweet buddy. I hope we will meet again one day, though really, you're always right here in my heart.
- Julie

Annie came to us scared, abused. She gradually overcame most of her fears and became a special girl. We know she is waiting at the Bridge with her brothers Max and LB.
- Jeanne & Brian

L.B. was MACSPRO poster boy for ads in 2003. He was so cute, friendly & playful, he fit right in to his foster home and never left us until the day his Vasculitis got too bad. L.B. our Lover Boy to the end.
- Jeanne & Brian

Hershey, our Chocolate Kiss. He loved being taken care of and overseeing his domain. What a sweet boy you are.
- Jeanne & Brian

Maximillian, the one that started it all! With your Shar-Pei dances and silly play, you certainly wormed your way for all of the rest to come in and stay.
- Jeanne & Brian

Here is the dog that started it all!
Mai Ping was lost while boarding with a vet in 1986. While searching for her, we discovered that there were many Shar-Pei in shelters. Being such a new breed in the U.S., they were not recognized and were being "put down" as Pit Bulls. After speaking with other club members about this, Shar-Pei rescue got started. Well, we found Mai after 12 weeks and she lived a happy, pampered life with us for 16 years and we thank Dawn Walling for giving her to us.
Every day I work with rescue, I do it in her memory.
-Joyce Hanes
I was told that Sz is Mandarin for 4 and he was the fourth puppy born. The minute he was born, I held him in my hands. Eleven years later, I held him in my arms when he died. I never bonded so completely with any living being as I did with Bowser Sz. He slept at the foot of my bed all his life and when illness prevented him going up and down the stairs, I moved my bed into the dining room. He went to work with me every day and on sunny days he would lay outside but he was always watching to be sure I was still where he could see me. Sure, there were and are lots of other dogs in my life but I'll miss him every day for the rest of my life.
-Joyce Hanes
BeeBee and Maude
Beebee and Maude were only given a few years to be with us before crossing over the Rainbow Bridge. They were great fun and we loved them dearly - even when they argued with each other and their Mother. I know they are chasing each other around as they wait for us at the Bridge.
-Joyce Hanes
Chopstyx was our very first pei and meant the world to us. He taught us about how wonderful the breed is. He was mischievous as could be and seemed to have the knack for finding trouble, but we wouldn't have traded him for anything in the world. We never knew we would get such a great "welcome home mom and dad" greeting day after day. He was always at our heels, especially when we were outside. He loved to romp around outdoors protecting his turf from "evil". He was one of the most well mannered, intelligent, and comical dogs I have ever owned. He passed on to the Rainbow Bridge at the young age of four in due to amyloidosis. He was our "first-born" and will be truly missed.
Chopstyx will forever hold a special place in our hearts. Losing Chopstyx is what prompted me to start doing rescue work. I loved the breed and wanted to help in any way I could, and I wanted to be better educated about the terrible diseases that are prevalent amongst Shar-Pei. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of Chopstyx and Nikko - my first two peibies.
-The Perkins family
We loved Chopstyx so much, we decided to add another pei to our family. Nikko was the total opposite of Chopstyx looks and personality wise. I was amazed at how different the same breed could be. He was an awesome dog and was quite content to rest in one of his favorite sleeping spots around the house. He was not quite as energetic as Chopsytx, but he could hold his own for a little while when they played in the yard.
They were both very close and were always found sleeping together, or sitting together looking out the bay window. He was such a patient dog. He would sit there and let our neice and nephews dress him up. I think he may have enjoyed it more than they did. Nikko passed on to the Rainbow Bridge to join his half brother, Chopstyx. It was determined that he, too, had amyloidosis. Another one lost much too young, at four. Nikko will never be forgotten and is forever in our hearts, right next to Chopstyx. I am sure the two of them are happy to be reunited at the Bridge and are still frolicking together and sleeping together, patiently waiting for us. We couldn't have asked for two better dogs.
-The Perkins family
When I first saw Chevy on MACSPRO’s website, I instantly fell in love with him. I was bringing him home as a new companion for my other Shar-pei, Nikko, since our beloved first Shar-pei, Chopstyx, had recently passed away. Chevy was estimated to be four to five years old and he instantly blended into our family. Ironically, Nikko passed away a little more then a year later.
It was after Nikko's passing that I began to really appreciate Chevy's qualities. He didn't bark, as he greeted everyone with a warm heart. Although we didn't give Chevy his name, as it seemed improper to try to rename a 4-5 year-old dog, we sure had some interesting nicknames for him. Chevy didn't run, in fact he hardly moved at all. We found ourselves calling him "speed-bump" and "Eeyore" (After Disney's Winnie-the-Pooh) with his famous monotone line "Thanks for noticing". Chevy was also so quiet you hardly noticed him as he hardly moved all-day ("Speed-Bump"). Everyone that met him fell in love with him. He was the poster-child to dispel the myth that Shar-pei's were aggressive, and unapproachable. He even lived to be eleven years-old.
My wife and I have had two children while Chevy lived with us. He continued with his loving ways, without jealousy or aggression. He was the most patient, gentle creature with our daughters. I will say, without reservation, that I never had to supervise him around them, even when they were getting on his nerves. He would simply just get up and walk away. My oldest is now a little older than three and is still calling for him to come in from the back yard. Chevy, at least you are still home, but you will forever be missed by us.
The Perkins Family
I was looking for a friend for my pei, Zen, when Otis found me. He was such a cute and loving dog and he could have passed for Zen's twin, looks-wise, at least. Oty was the the typical couch potato and was quite content to take a quick walk and then hurry back to his bed to snooze some more. If the walk lasted longer than he wanted it to, he would sit down and wouldn't budge until you turned around to head back home. Quite the opposite of his brother, Zen, which made for interesting walks because because Zen could walk for miles, but not Oty. So much for the friend for Zen that liked to hike all day, as he did. When it came to food time, however, Oty would bolt to his bowl at the speed of light. I never saw him move that fast unless food was involved.
He was a wonderful dog that loved everyone and was loved by everyone. He was so content to curl up at your feet and let you pet him all day while he snored away. Oty had a lot of health problems and was only with me for a few years before he crossed over the Bridge, but he brought a lot of joy to my life and I will miss him greatly. Oty, I know you are sleeping on your big, fluffy bed and having fun with all of your new friends. I miss you.
-Karen Perkins
Rosie was only with us for five months. When we rescued her, we knew she had cancer, but she didn't know. She was full of energy and love and spent her last days in the home of Barbara Sellers. She passed on to the Rainbow Bridge in February, 2001. She will be missed, but at least we know her last days were happy.
Nikki was a part of my life for several years. She was my second pup and a rescue. When I got her she was filthy and had tried to gnaw her way out of a metal crate - what a mess! As time went on she proved quite mischievous and was always looking for trouble. The bite of a Black Widow spider was the beginning of her end. The bite left her both blind and mostly deaf. Nikki regained her hearing and lived nearly two years after she was attacked but she had complications from the bite that led to amyloidosis, which in the end caused her demise. I miss this pup a great deal -- she is gone, but not forgotten.
-Jim Pearl
Mr. Kai
In loving memory of our fur child, Mr. Kai. My son gave Mr. Kai to us in 1986 when he was one year old. At the time we had two other dogs. Mr. Kai was so different from the others he just won our hearts over instantly. He was very loving and always wanted to be hugged and pet. On July 15, 2000, we lost our Kai to cancer. He was almost 15. As of now we have not gotten another pet. We know there will never be another one like Kai for us. We shed tears every day over his loss. He will be in our hearts and thoughts forever. Maybe someday we will meet again. He will always be our Angel Puppy looking over us.
-Marlene and Rick Parkinson
Gus was our ray of sunshine and we loved him very much. He suffered minor bouts of Shar-pei Fever during his short life, but none so severe as his last. He passed away December 27, 2001, just a few months before his second birthday. He was cremated and his ashes will be spread under an apple tree. We miss him every single day.
-Debra and Alan
Pricilla was given to me by friends when she was 7 months old. Until two days ago, she had been a part of my life for more than 13 years. Until two days ago she was going up and down the stairs, slowly to be sure, but was still seeking affection and treats despite her advanced years. I knew her days were numbered when she started having little strokes,and that soon a serious one would take her from me. On a Saturday afternoon, she stopped walking and laid in her bed for the last time. She slipped into a deep coma and we petted her until she died a few hours later. I am so sad she is gone, but so glad she enjoyed her long life until the very end. Her ashes will always be with us to remind us of what a wonderful dog she was and how precious life and loving really are.
-Bryce and Loran
Raisin was my first pup. I got him at 3 months of age. That was ten years ago. He had never been left alone and so when I left him to go to work I came home to a wreaked house, and a worn out puppy asleep in the bathroom. I went out and bought a dog playpen and within minutes he had learned to climb it like a ladder. After that he was able to climb chainlink fences as well. He chewed every windowsill in the house and about once a year I had to show him who the alpha male was in the house.
All that said, he was my best friend. He was there wagging his tail and licking my face when I got home, he protected the house and property from intruders but welcomed them if I let them in the gate. He never had any medical problems and never gave me an ounce of trouble, so it was quite a shock when I learned just three months ago that he had an inoperable tumor. I thought for sure I would have him another 3 or 4 years, but this was not to be. He crossed over the rainbow bridge last week. I'll always miss him and he'll always be my best friend.
-Jim Pearl
Geoffrey, Hsu-Shih, Kubie, and Kei-Lin
the house is quieter now than it was,
the patter of paws on the hardwood floors
faded into the distance.
kei-lin, at 14, is well into the twilight
of her day of life,
and sleeps much of the day, dreaming,
perhaps, of earlier years and stronger bones.
memories clutter the house
though it is fresh cleaned, each room
crammed with images we do not wish
to forget:
kubie asleep in his favorite chair,
geoffrey in the loveseat,
hsu-shih gazing up at us
with that sad, wise shar-pei face
that rarely let us out of her sight.
we knew all along, of course, that these lights
would one day dim and go out;
each breath we inhaled
tasted for years partly of honey
and partly of vinegar,
and every moment we spent together,
bright as a springtime bouquet,
carried within it the thorn
that cuts to the quick if held too closely.
still, we spent our days
easily, and without sadness,
and each night slept soundly together.
kubie was the first to leave us,
suddenly and without warning,
the day before easter, 1998.
geoffrey followed just before christmas,
the tumor in his heart
grown at last too large.
hsu-shih died last week,
barely a month after surgery,
of pervasive mast cell sarcoma.
i will not sketch for you
the color of our grief;
suffice it to say
it is both waterproof and indelible.
i will tell you this:
kei-lin still rises each day,
as we do, on schedule,
and her appetite is strong
and she sleeps as soundly as ever
beside us on the bed.
and the day after hsu-shih died,
we arranged to adopt teddy,
as handsome a shar-pei pup
as any ever dreamed into existence,
and no star glows more brightly
even in the darkest night.
if you have loved, and been loved,
if you have looked grief in the eye
and come face to face with your own mortality,
if you have held a living, breathing creature
in your arms until the breathing came no more,
and still had the courage to go forward,
to love again, and lavishly,
if you have dared to be grateful
even in the face of unspeakable loss,
and if the fire within you
burns brighter
year after passing year,
you know already
what our pets took years to teach us:
life holds no promises,
but one:
we are each given only one lifespan,
but if lived in love
it spans eternity.
Written by Allan May, February 25, 1999
Kei-Lin passed from us at 16 in March of 2001. We now have two younger Shar-Pei, Teddy and Abby, who bring much joy into our lives. We think about Kei-Lin, Kubie, Hsu-Shih, and Geoffrey many times each day even after all this time.
-Deb Charsha and Allan May
Our little Puggy was only with us for ten months yet she left a hole in our hearts we shall never fill. Her little sighs at night and the sound of her paws on the floor searching me out, never letting me out of sight. We love you Puggy and I know you are at the Bridge, playing with the rest of your family that waits there for us too.
-Jeanne and Brian Johnson
Miss Ellie
Today, January 29, Miss Ellie crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. Everything medically, both animal and human, was done to try to save her. She went to an ophthalmologist who said her eyes were OK. But she could not see. She went to a neurologist who said there was nothing wrong. But she was frightened and confused all of the time. She had an MRI which revealed fluid on the brain and anomalies which could only be treated by diuretics. The cost of this medical work came totally out of donations earmarked for her and none from the general fund.
We know that pressure on the brain causes severe headaches. Yet she showed no pain. Ellie only wanted to sleep in her cuddle bed and listen to the heartbeat machine. As the days went on, she became even fearful on going out of her little room. To go outside made her tremble. It was cruel to make her continue living when life was so hard for her. Julie Neff and Sam Sellers held her as she departed this world and Sam said she started to wag her tail as she was going. Sam and Julie think that she was thanking them for releasing her. I like to think that as she crossed the Rainbow Bridge, she could see and she wasn't frightened anymore. All those who had the privilege of knowing her hope to see her again, across the Rainbow Bridge. God bless and keep you, Ellie.
Two years ago we were very lucky to have this special dog come into our family when we adopted him from MACSPRO. My husband called him Meathead, I called him Coopie. Cooper was always loving, funny, and willing to share his home with our two cats. His favorite place was on the window seat curled up next to one of them where they both could see the deer go across our yard. Cooper stopped eating and was found to have pancreatic cancer. On July 4th we took him to the family gathering so the family could tell him goodbye. Three days later we helped Cooper cross the bridge. I will never forget how soft his forehead was or how cute I thought he was when he wagged that tail. Can you see it wagging in this last picture?
-The Rifkin-Tolley Family
He died after a valiant fight with cancer. He was cared for and loved by Charlotte Jones who took him knowing that his time was probably limited. He got the best medical care available and lived a happy life up until the week before he died. He will be greatly missed by Charlotte and Joyce Hanes, who cooked his special veggie diet each week!
- Charlotte Jones and Joyce Hanes
My heart remembers caring eyes, as you watched over me,
Your thick chin tucked softly on your curled paw -
My Special Memory.
Your trotting, snobbish walk as you followed my every move,
Your balanced gait made me proud of you as you moved across the room.
Your tilting head from side to side as if you understood,
Every single word I said to you, it seemed was always good.
Our silly games of hockey, across the hardwood floors,
Looking down at Roger Rabbit makes me sad, Kuma, even more.
Your regal stance while guarding the yard,
Or your head upon my chest,
Your patient waiting, you're pawing for treats
Are all a part of who you were, - The dog I chanced to meet.
A gift to us, a Bear Coat dog, being faulted,
A champion you were not.
But as life bears out sometimes the best is not quite where we thought.
Your time was short and your heart was huge,
You're health problems were so large.
The love we gave, the companion you were,
the connection right from the start.
Now God's caring eyes will watch over you and me,
Your thick chin tucked softly on your curled paw -
My Special Memory
- Sharyl McCarthy
Pandora and Mark
Mark Fontenot and his beloved Pandora.
Sadly, both Mark and Pandora passed away in the spring of 2006.
Mark was a longtime supporter of Shar Pei rescue efforts.
When I called MACSPRO in August 1997 interested in adopting a rescue, I was told that Mai could not go into a home with other dogs. She was animal agressive because she had been forced into a life as a fighting dog. She was two at the time. We had two other Shar-Pei then, Nikki and Raisin, and wanted one for my daughter who was still living at home. So, we went to see Mai and took Raisin with us. Mai didn't much care about Raisin or any other animal around. She was looking for love. She knocked me over trying to give me kisses. She bowled me over in more ways than one and I knew we had to have her. And when my daughter moved out on her own we argued over who would get Mai. I won!She had a good nine years with us. She was a happy dog and we were happy to have her. We never really saw that animal aggressive dog we were told about and we have always had three or four of them around. She was our grand poobah and the others deffered to her but she was a true love in our lives.
She certainly had her share of medical issues. She had three cancerous growths removed during her time with us. She started having issues with arthritis at the age of five and by the age of seven she was diagnosed with Cushings. In the end, it was the arthritis that took her from us. She lived longer than we ever thought she could. She would have been 12 in February. Such a short time and yet the love she brought, the companion she was, the memories she left, will endure forever. And so will the emptiness I feel now that she's gone.
-Deb Pope
It will be 2 years ago this New Year’s Eve that Chubby passed away from cancer. She was everything you could have asked for in a dog. Very loving, gentle and just a true sweetie at heart.
-Brian Brandis
Baron Baciball
Baron Baciball came to our family at 3 months old. My sister and her boyfriend went all the way to Buffalo, NY, for this "little monster" and it was the best thing that happened to all of us. Over the years, he brought so much laughter and joy into our lives, with his personality, that at times, was almost human. True to his breed, he was extremely loyal, and he would only allow immediate family in his presence, so he never had any interaction with people other than his owners, gaining him the nickname "Cujo" by many. Unfortunately, no one else could ever see what he really was. To us, he was a "mush" that wanted to be kissed and loved to no end. Baci shared a special relationship with each member of the family. He had his master who he loved his walks and car rides with, he had his Mommy to discipline him and sleep with every night, he had his Grandma & Grandpa to take care of him, feed him and give him his medicines and he had me as his best friend and playmate. He loved us all in different ways but let us all spoil him the same.
Even as an adult dog, he never lost the playfulness of his days as a puppy, even when he started to show signs of illness, with fevers and bouts of swollen hock syndrome. We don’t know when he actually got sick, but he did show periodic signs for a long while before being diagnosed with amyloidosis and being given a month or so to live. Needless to say, we were devastated and heartbroken. Baci was a beautiful, seemingly healthy dog that out of nowhere were told was dying. Luckily, that was not the case and Baci continued on being the fresh & frisky dog that he was. We hoped the vets were wrong with the diagnosis because he seemed fine and showed no signs of illness or pain. It wasn’t until a year or so later that he suddenly stopped eating and declined rapidly. We celebrated his 7th birthday with his special dog bone cake and the next day he had to be put to sleep because his symptoms worsened, despite all of our efforts to help him, and he was in extreme pain . Despite how heart wrenching it was, we knew it was the best for my Bac’. But he did not cross the Rainbow Bridge alone, he had all of our love with him and he still does. He had a short life but the time he did have, he had a wonderful life with family who adored him.
There’s not a day that goes by that we don’t wish he was still with us or a morning that goes by that I don’t wish I was awakened by Baci’s everyday routine of jumping on my bed for my good morning kisses, putting his both arms around my neck, laying on top of me and kissing me until I couldn’t breathe. He loved all of us so much and we loved him just the same. We have videos and albums full of Baci but what we remember him most for is all of the happiness, love and laughter he brought into our lives. He was my favorite thing in the world and we all miss him dearly.
- Loriana Larino
Abby was born in 1996 in Lizella, Georgia. Abby was not a rescue dog. She came from a breeder. My wife, Kim, had got Abby right after she started law school. Abby had to give her paw of approval before we could start dating.
Abby was the gentlest, mild tempered shar pei that anyone could ever hope for. She loved to play and rest, and of course be loved on. She was an only child till the age of 7 when an 8 week old pug joined the household. Abby was frustrated at first, but took it upon herself to teach her new charge, Emmy, everything she had learned over the years. Abby and Emmy became inseparable.
In late November early December 2006, we noticed a large lump on Abby's rear end. It turned out to be cancer, and unbeknownst to us, it had already spread internally. Abby gave chemotherapy a go, but it was exhausting to her. On February 22, 2006, we let Abby cross the bridge. She was 9 years 8 months old and had lived a good life. She had traveled in airplanes across the US, been to law school, and been my constant early morning companion as long as I knew her. She was loved so much and still missed by all.
- Todd and Kim Jones and Emmy, the Pug
It is with sadness that I inform you of the death of my beloved dog, Della, who was with me for only 2 years. She was terminally ill, and thus was put to rest peacefully on March 14th at 12:35 am.
Della was adopted and rescued from MACSPRO. During her precious time with me, we both have learned, traveled to different states and to Canada, enjoyed walking a lot, meeting her new friends in the park, and other explorations as new experiences for her life, we eventually loved each other a lot. Walks and strolls through the park were a large part of her life. When I said to her “Walk!” with even one word while deep sleeping, she jumped off my bed and in a moment would be waiting for me at the door expecting a long walk. And, when I said; "It's about supper time", her tail wagged, her ears up, but she walked slowly as she knew the food would always be there. She ate in a like manner as well. For her walking was the more important than eating food.
She was one of the most obedient, fun-loving and amazing dogs I ever had in my life. She has been always loyal to me and enjoyed the part of her life with me so much. The love in my heart will always be for Della and will be ever lasting.
- Hannah Reisman
We rescued our Freyja over 14+ years ago. We guessed that she was 16 yrs old when she died. She lived a long and adventerous life and was the best dog anyone could ever want. She raised two pups (not hers) and was the best mother a dog could ever want. Freyja guided around our 13 year old blind and deaf cocker spaniel (Honey Bee) and looked out for her whenever she went outside. She even tried to warn Honey Bee one time when she was about to walk off the deck by barking at her. Of course Honey Bee couldn't hear her. Freyja had many close calls but always seem to bounce back. She was playing with Parker in the kitchen the morning she passed away. She was our first Shar Pei and will ever hold a special place in our hearts. Simon (our English Springer she raised from a pup) layed in her bed for days before I had to remove it. Even at 16 years old she kept the boys in line and ruled the house. We will always miss her.
Our Parker was only with us 18 months but managed to burrow deep into our hearts. All day long you would hear him trot around the house looking to see what he could get into. He would come see me or Curtis and ask for a hug or go lay on the stair landing so that he could look outside. He spent his days irritating Simon trying to get him to play. He loved to play and would try and pinch bite Curtis on the rear and then run away. He was our beautiful boy. We don't know what took him from us; at least he appeared to go peacefully and did not suffer. Simon was lying beside him when we found him. It is so painful to lose one so young and so unexpectedly. We will miss him always. Poor Simon (English Springer) has had to endure losing two of his best buddies in 7 months.
- Curtis and Pam Robbins
Toby Remembered Toby was originally called Bear, born 1998, died April 2004
- Steve and Elizabeth Small
I never thought this time would come to be -
I was simply just unable to see
You had the biggest of hearts and the gentlest of souls
I only needed to look in your eyes to see the wonderful spirit you behold
Your presence was quiet, yet strong and gracious
Your love and devotion you always made known to us
Yet, it's your lovable and amazing personality I will so greatly miss …. and so, here begins a part of an inexhaustible list …. of only a few of many things we loved about you…
To our dearest Cue…
Your devotion to find the finest 'spot'
was ever present .… so up the hill your determined buns went
Your big brown eyes looking as your head tilted to the side, and your 'E-Walk' expression on our summer car rides
Your gentle acceptance of food from our hands, and your ever present effort to be a macho man
The way you would briefly show your mate your love for her.... by rough-housing and only gently nipping her fur
I will miss your baby soft fur around your nose and ears, I look back now with happy tears
Your 'old man' noises you made when you were blissfully content, and your corner mouth grin was heaven sent
The adorable way you would get us to pet your head …. Only to have you turn so we would scratch your back instead
The way you wrinkled your nose when upset, in your stubborn ways you were always set
I'll miss coming home to have you greet me at the door, and finding your cool spot on the marble floor
The list goes on forever in my heart and will never fade
The best of memories for our family you have made
We keep you close in our thoughts and with heavy hearts we know we must part
You must no longer struggle with the pain you had,
For the first time in a while you're peaceful and content …. And, for that we're glad.
- Kristin Gwin
December 2007
CueBear was born in 1993 and died at the age of 14
Niko passed over in December 2007. He is gone but not forgotten!
- Gayle Monkonnen
4/2002 - 1/2008
I so readily recall the day that I came for him and left with Zippy instead. I could not stop thinking of him and returned one month later to find him still there waiting for me. He kissed me on the ear all the way back to Washington. He was a special, unique dog with almost human characteristics. He was very happy and always ready to play with his toys.
Despite being told about one month ago that the soft tissue lung tumors in his lungs had markedly decreased in size in response to the chemotherapy, on Tuesday, January 29, 2008, I was informed that the tumors had increased in number and size. He was diagnosed with Histiocytic Sarcoma.
My heart hurts so badly, as Nugget was my friend; my son!
The decision to lay him down was the most difficult thing that I have ever personally done. It took him to tell me it was enough. I attempted to walk him with Zippy one last time but he did not want to walk any further than the corner. After returning to the house he could not walk the stairs. Even though I wanted to keep him for one more night or for this weekend, he so quietly said no more. Lord, I miss my baby.
- Michael Patterson
Our dear little April came to MACSPRO in April 2008 only 8 or 9 months old. We didn't have her long but we loved her just the same. She came down with Intussusception (when a segment of one part of the intestine becomes telescoped into an immediately adjacent part) and with a heavy heart we had to say goodbye.
Mike, "Peludito"
(April 03 - November 07)
In memory of the sweetest, smartest, most lovable pet and most loyal friend I have had. Mike was unique he came into my life from one day to the other, and left my life in the same way. I don't think he ever believed that he was just a dog, because he wasn't, there was always something about him, and now it's lacking. What is left now is only an essence of his strong, intelligent, kind, and determined personality, portrayed through vivid memories kept safe within myself. The lack of his presence still weighs in my heart and leaves a hollow space. I miss his piercing eyes, his barking as my car pulls into the driveway, his unbeatable soccer skills, his comfort during gloomy days, the way he sniffed the roses in our garden, the way he sat out in the yard and stared up at the sky, also his napping by my feet while I stayed up late doing homework; all this among many other things about him. He was a natural mystic, flowing through my life bringing my family and I almost five years of unconditional happiness and love. His life was cut too short, words do not suffice to express how much he is missed.
- Kristel Guzman
Gucci was a ball of energy and proved to be a great companion for Carol Benson. Alas, they only had the chance to love each other for five months. He will be sorely missed and forever loved.
We lost Outlaw on Sunday Feb. 8th.
He had a stroke in his sleep Saturday night. He could not move most of his body, but his head was still alert and watching. But he would not want a life paralyzed and with feeding tubes - so the doctor put him to sleep. We don't know his true age but she thinks he was at least 10.
He is buried under the arbor where he gets sun most of the day. He used to like to lie in the sun and sleep.
He leaves behind his master of 13 months and 10 days who will miss him very much. He was a good boy who never bothered anyone and was very appreciative of anything you did for him. He also leaves his assistant-master Richard who always treated him with love and respect even when Outlaw would have an occasional accident in the house. And he also leaves his big sister Katie. They fought for 6 months but then realized they were part of the same pack and became friends. He looked up to her and would always keep up with her during our walks. And she came to love him too - and gave him a kiss goodbye when he left for the vet's.
Goodbye Outlaw and thank you for everything you did.
- Mike Rampino and Richard Bell -
Chocolate Chip "Chippy"

In May of 2002, my husband and I adopted Chocolate Chip from MACSPRO. She was a sweet, sad, lonely girl who wanted nothing more than regular meals and a family that loved her. She tolerated kisses from her Sharp-Pei brother, Caleb, and she occasionally enjoyed a short walk or two. Mostly, she wanted to cuddle--to sleep at the foot of our bed, be petted any time our hands were free, and give kiss after kiss after kiss. She loved sitting on the porch on trick or treat night and relished the opportunity to give kisses to any child that would allow it. When my husband worked nights, she kept me company. When her tail would wag, and it wagged often, she was often so enthusiastic that her whole rear end would wag. You could almost see the smile on her face. When we had children, she took it all in stride. She never complained about their clumsy hugs and backwards petting. When our daughter was lonely at night, Chippy began sleeping in hter room to keep her company. Our whole family loves our beautiful chocolate girl. She have us seven wonderful years of unconditional love and kisses. We are so grateful that she was a part of our life. She was such a blessing in our lives and we will miss her.
- Linda Marr -
Scrappy Doo

Scrappy Doo was the runt of a litter where all but two died in the first 10 days. She looked like a hamster (literally). No one thought she would ever be a good lookin' dog nor did anyone think she would have good health. Well, there is a reason I named her Scrappy. Not only was she the most gorgeous pei I've ever seen, she was my love. She was wonderful and happy and loving (as much as a pei gets) and healthy until suddenly at the age of six she got sick and I discovered she had kidney failure. She was gone two weeks later and with her she took my heart.
- Deb Pope -

I rescued Toad 5 1/5 years ago when he was seven months old. I knew then that he would not live to a ripe old age. He always had issues. The was born with extra toes and extra ribs. He had a subluxated patella and he back ankles were hyperextended making him walk like Charlie Chaplin and run like a bunny rabbit. He was blind when we got him from entropian and had a cherry eye. We took care of the eyes immediately and he was able to see after that until the day he died. With all of these issues, he never met a person he didn't want to adopt and no person ever met him that they didn't want to adopt him. He put up with the "lady" Shar-Peis in the house - all three of them and he loved face squishies. If you scratched him on his chin, he would slowly lean backwards until he fell over. A year ago he was diagnosed with severe kidney failure and two cancerous tumors on one lung. I was told if he were anything other than a Shar-Pei, they would give him 2 weeks to 2 months to live. For Shar-Pei, they just didn't know. He continued to be a happy carefree guy until he I had to say goodbye nearly one year later, one week shy of his 6th birthday. The vet said he would always remember Toad as his favorite Shar-Pei ever. Everyone that met him felt the same way. He didn't live a long life but he touched the hearts of many and he lived his years a happy boy.
I miss you, Toad
- Deb Pope -

Our beloved Hitch is gone but his love and devotion will always be felt. We will miss him always.
- Joe and Janey Czap

In December of 2003, we adopted a sweet white Shar-pei from MACSPRO named Wink (F.K.A. Snow). Wink was one of several rescue dogs we have had the last ten years.
Wink was diagnosed with the beginnings of renal failure in January 2008. After almost two years of medication and watching his weight slowly drop, he was on "death's door" with a creatin of 8.5 (normal is under 2). Teresa looked up a holistic aproach with nothing to lose and got him off all meds and I started to cooked for him. Each week I cooked a no sodium, no phosphorus, low protein diet suplemented with calcium and fish oil tablets. He started getting better, dropped his creatin level around 1.7 in a month, finally put on the 15 lbs he had lost and was doing fantastic. His vet was amazed and has been very instrumental in explaining what we are up against.
Now over nine months later, all good things must end. He stopped eating over a week ago and everything he did eat came up. His weight was still ok but his creatin level is back to 7.5 and potassium level is less than half of normal.
Wink has been a joy in our life for his almost 7 years with us. He has been the "big fuzzy butt boy" and it kills us to see him like this. Wink will be missed not only by Teresa and myself but the little kids in the neighborhood who love his fur, big nose and curly tail. He will also be missed by his brother Frankie (boxer), Winston (Jack R), Maggie (Cattle dog/Pei mix) and Iggy Lee (Italian Greyhound). It will be tough to look around for Wink and not see him sprawled out on the deck in the sun or laying on his big red bed in the bedroom.
Thanks again for sharing him with us!
- Chris & Teresa Brandon

We adopted Bruiser from MACSPRO in 1999 and think he was about 14 years old when he died from lung cancer. He loved to travel in our motor home and visited most of the USA and about 1/2 of the Canadian Provinces. He was a loving, fun dog who loved to chase squirrels and cats but was never quick enough to catch them. He came pretty close many times! He also loved his cookies and just being a couch potato. He slept in bed with us and you could always tell if it was cold because he would climb higher in the bed between us as the temperature got colder. We miss him but know he is still chasing squirrels in "Doggy Heaven".

- Karen & Al Brandis